The CSB issues safety recommendations to prevent the recurrence or reduce the likelihood or consequences of similar incidents or hazards in the future. Recommendations are issued to a variety of parties, including government entities, safety organizations, trade unions, trade associations, corporations, emergency response organizations, educational institutions, and public interest groups. Recommendations are published in CSB reports and are closed only by vote of the Board. The CSB tracks all recommendations and communicates regularly with recommendations recipients to ensure that the recommended corrective actions are implemented.

For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions about CSB recommendations.

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Sonat Exploration Co. Catastrophic Vessel Overpressurization (5 Recommendations)
American Petroleum Institute (API) (2 Recommendations)
Open: 0% | Closed: 100%

Final Report Released On: September 21, 2000


Develop and issue recommended practice guidelines governing the safe start-up and operation of oil and gas production facilities. Ensure that the guidelines address, at a minimum, the following: project design review processes, including hazard analyses; written operating procedures; employee and contractor training; and pressure-relief requirements for all equipment exposed to pressure hazards.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.


Communicate the findings of this report to your membership.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.

El Paso Production Company (3 Recommendations)
Open: 0% | Closed: 100%

Final Report Released On: September 21, 2000


Institute a formal engineering design review process for all oil and gas production facilities,following good engineering practices and including analyses of process hazards.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.


Implement a program to ensure that all oil and gas production equipment that is potentially subject to overpressurization is equipped with adequate pressure-relief systems, and audit compliance with the program.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.


Develop written operating procedures for oil and gas production facilities and implement programs to ensure that all workers, including contract employees, are trained in the use of the procedures. Ensure the procedures address, at a minimum, purging and start-up operations and provide information on process-related hazards.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.